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Health Professional Information

Please be advised, Swelling Solutions is NOT and OHIP funded clinic. Those who have third party benefits may be reimbursed under Registered Massage Therapy. A prescription for massage therapy may be required.
In order to safely treat our clients please provide the following with your referral:
1. For lower limb edema, results of vascular studies that include an ABPI and negative results for a DVT. It is clinic policy to have ABPI results before any compression therapy is started.
2. For new upper limb swelling, ultrasound results are requested to rule out ominous blockages.
3. A script for manual lymph drainage massage and compression therapy.
4. Please note, Lymphatic drainage massage is contraindicated with the following:
Untreated CHF
Untreated cancer (unless for palliative reasons)
Severe kidney dysfunction
Recent DVT
Acute Infection/ cellulitis
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